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Comedy Training,

Shows and FAmily.   

The UK’s home for improv comedy

 as seen in…

a cat looking at improv training and workshops for beginners buttons

There’s a £20 taster class, too!

Improvisation is being in the present. It’s making it up as you go along with nothing but your own brain and the brains of your teammates to guide you. No scripts. No pre-planned routines, gags or bits. Just listening and supporting each other, moment to moment. It’s also stupid amounts of fun and an amazing way to discover community and life-long friends.

What Is Improv?

“The FA are prominent players in a

booming UK improv scene right now”

illustration of a london improv student

Who are the fA?

For over a decade The Free Association (The FA) has been the best place to Watch and Learn Improv in London. Don’t just take our word for it - Check us out for yourself…

illustration of two people having a great time in a london improv class

You might recognise some of our past students…

picture of FA Improv alumni Ambika Mod

Ambika Mod

                   One Day, This Is Going to Hurt.                   

Picture of FA improv alumni Ritu Arya
Illustration of a woman taking a photograph of London improv training alumni

Ritu Arya

           The Umbrella Academy, Paris has Fallen           

Picture of FA Improv Alumni Phil Wang

Phil Wang

       Netflix Specials, Task Master,  Live at The Apollo.     

Photo of FA Improv Alumni Kate Herron

Kate Herron

                  Director of Loki, The Last Of Us.                 

Live Shows

illustration of a cool london improv performer

“I felt almost high. I even wrote a f***ing tweet about it!” - Vice

"a superb masterclass in the art of improvisational comedy" London Theatre

"The FA Know how to find the funny and what to do with it!” - The Guardian

"The FA Know What They Are Doing” - Chortle

"This is what proper improv looks like” - Fest

“I felt almost high. I even wrote a f***ing tweet about it!” - Vice ★ "a superb masterclass in the art of improvisational comedy" London Theatre ★ "The FA Know how to find the funny and what to do with it!” - The Guardian ★ "The FA Know What They Are Doing” - Chortle ★ "This is what proper improv looks like” - Fest ★