DOORS: 20:50SHOW START: 21.00
★ guest Show ★
Hark! Who goes there?! Is that Hark? HARK!
Gather 'round, weary travellers. Sit thine bottoms and open thy ears to a story so improvised, so fantasy, so...adventure...that it will feel as if you have failed a wisdom saving throw against a Charm Person spell.
Fabled is an entirely improvised fantasy adventure tale featuring a hilarious cast of improvisers with live musical accompaniment.
Grab a stool at the Fabled Tavern and join us on our quest. Maybe bring a friend— after all, it's dangerous to go alone!
Online sales stop a half an hour before showtime - tickets will usually be available to purchase on the door.
“This is What Real Improv Looks Like” - Fest Magazine
“★★★★★ “A superb masterclass in the art of improvisational comedy” - London Theatre1
“Had Me In Stitches” - Theatre Performance Magazine
“Hugely talented supergroup... expect high-quality made-up-on-the-spot funnies” - TimeOut
“London’s Newest Craze” - Vice Broadly
“Take a risk and you might end up with a phenomenal evening” - Broadway Baby
“[The FA are] starting something of a revolution” - Female First
“They are all truly masters of improvisation.” - A Younger Theatre