Posts tagged Tips
Why All Sales People Should Learn Improv Comedy w/ Anis Qizilbash

When I started out in sales, I was trained in specific techniques, such as how to get people to open-up and talk; how to get your prospective client to talk about something specific by asking leading questions; how to make your desired fee totally reasonable and valuable; how to get your client to say ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘sure, let’s book a zoom call for next Friday at 11am’ – and many more…

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Improv and Anxiety

It feels like the older I get, the more comfortable I become in my own skin. Or maybe I’m just becoming more comfortable feeling uncomfortable.

On a daily basis I’m present in body, but my mind is elsewhere. Staying present is difficult and for most of us it’s a Herculean task to stay present for any significant length of time.

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Stop Chasing Laughs

Being funny on stage is such a strange dynamic.

You are stepping out in front of a room full of people you hope to make laugh as loudly as possible for as long as possible. To do that you want to show that you are comfortable, at ease and in control of the room, because if the audience feels that you are desperate for their laughter then they are less likely to give it to you.

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